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mike Palestina
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Managing Partner and Executive Coach

"It is our responsibility to put ourselves in position for serendipity/synchronicity to occur."

Mike is a Certified Executive Coach, Leadership Consultant and Facilitator who partners with senior executives, managers and leaders to inspire and enhance individual’s attitudes, behaviors and performance resulting in increased employee engagement and retention. These shifts ultimately contribute to successfully reaching desired goals and exceeding individual and organizational expectations.

Mike combines more than 28 years of practical Fortune 500 business leadership experience (in a variety of functional areas including Marketing and Business Development, Client Implementation and Services, Project Management and Operations) with more than 500 hours of accredited coaching, emotional awareness and non-verbal communications training and 15+ years of actual coaching experience at senior levels. These diverse experiences provide Mike with a real-world appreciation of the challenges senior leaders face throughout their careers and within their organizations.

Mike is passionate about helping others modify attitudes and behaviors. His style is focused but informal, with an emphasis on partnering with clients to establish a secure, trustworthy, and relaxed environment in which to remove obstacles and achieve results. Having extensive practical business experience he blends coaching practices with mentoring, advising and counseling as well, thus providing his clients with a richer interpersonal experience in which to modify attitudes, behaviors and performance.

Leadership Development, the People Intelligence Way

We at People Intelligence believe that at the very core of successful leadership is Emotional Intelligence, and the foundation of Emotional Intelligence is self-awareness and self-management. Therefore, we approach leadership development from those perspectives. Social-awareness and relationship management (modifying our behaviors to interact more constructively with others) round out our overall approach to coaching and workshop facilitation. 

People Intelligence incorporates the best practices of all the leading experts in the sciences of neurology, emotions, and behavior to help others recognize the impact of their emotions and if required, redirect them towards more constructive behavior. It’s all about understanding where behaviors originate and then identifying alternative ways of expression. Once we understand why we do what we do, our ability to choose our behaviors will follow.

Leadership development, the People Intelligence Way incorporates decades of practical corporate leadership experience to develop sustainable leadership growth and change through a combination of multi-modal approaches:

Executive and Leadership Coaching

Central to the process of leadership coaching is developing greater awareness of self, others and situational context. We look for three key factors for success through coaching; self-awareness, a sense of urgency to change and a willingness to socialize.

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Workshops provide an opportunity for larger groups to learn via testing new ideas and concepts in a work setting, getting feedback and making adjustments. Modular workshops offered over extended time periods allow for greater growth and sustainable mindset change.

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Bridging the gap between current level of success and aspirational goals we are committed to helping individuals, teams and organizations assess their current level of success and identify their aspirational goals through leadership labs, team development meetings, and forums.

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What People Are Saying...

  • "This course has helped train my eye and my mind to see more emotions in others, and as a result, have more successful interactions with others when they are emotional.  I am more likely to notice things earlier, before escalation, when the potential to make better choices is stronger."

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  • "As a sport's coach, I am really grateful to all the trainers for providing me knowledge and competencies for my work. As a person, it was not just a pleasure, but a rich experience that helped me to know more about human emotions and also about mine. With this course I have been able to create tools that can help my players in a sportive and a personal way."

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  • "Maggie and Mike created a good safe zone for sharing and learning. Some of the content was highly sensitive and personal, but was comfortable and inspiring and informative because of the presenters’ level of expertise, guidance and insights."

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  • "Maggie and Mike were excellent at engaging. It’s material that I’ve been exposed to before, but never in a comprehensive manner. It has increased my awareness of how my emotional state and it’s physical manifestations affect my colleagues."

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People Intelligence Institute, LLC
(888)-980-1282 |